

There's something in the air. The minute that ball dropped for 2005, I just knew it. 2005 is going to be full of changes. And I think for the most part they will be good, at least much needed changes anyways, to make me/us move forward, evolve, what have you. I can feel it and sense it. I think come December, we're going to look back and think: "Damn, that was one hell of a ride."

Side note to prove I have ADD: Have you ever stuck your finger in your belly button and smelled it? Make sure no one is looking and do it. My sister cleans her's out with a Q-tip and rubbing alcohol on a regular basis. I thought this seemed excessive, but maybe not. What do you guys do? She made me feel like I was doing a less than adequate job on my personal hygeniene when I casually dig around for a few seconds with the washrag in the shower. Rubbing alcohol and Q-tips though? Wow.

Anyways, so far it's happening. Projects are coming up, friends are going through major upheavals, and in my little world at least the times are a changing. I'm not naive to think it's going to be a year of all good things. It's not. But I think I'm ready for a new life, and certainly a new road. Do you guys have any predictions for this year?


Blogger Cop Mom said...

how nasty, but yes, I have smelled my finger before, shh, don't tell anyone, but I think we all have done it once in our life..

5:12 PM

Blogger Matthew Jent said...

You're all a bunch of FREAKS.

I just leave mine alone.

1:27 AM


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