I love my nerd
I'm sitting here unable to work up the motivation to pack for Girls Weekend so I thought I'd blog. Lately things at my house have been quite lovely. In no small part by theMan's efforts at being the best husband a girl could ask for. I have to leave him for a few days to go refill my estrogen with my girls. So here's a few reasons why I love theMan, and why you should too.

He loves Halloween as much as me. I knew I had to marry him when I told him I wanted to live in a spooky old castle decorated like a haunted house and he didn't bat an eye.

He loves my tits. God Bless him for that.

He has to eat his ice cream in a big soupy mess. His reasoning? It's a milkshake in a bowl!

He likes to tell me all about new programs and music software and hardware and doesn't make me feel stupid when I get all blank faced and bleary eyed. And he doesn't hestitate to snuggle under a blanket during the lessons.
It's easy to take for granted your loved ones. They are the easiest to hurt, the easiest to forget. After this rough year we've had, I don't want to do that anymore and I don't want him to do that to me. No one tells you it's work being with someone. But it is. Aw, I don't want to get too preachy here. I just want to say that as we're approaching our 6 year anniversary this Halloween, I can say I love him more and more every single day.
Keep my bed warm for me baby, I'll be back on Sunday!
Side note: That is the binary code blanket as seen on the Screen Savers. You can get yours here!
Aaawwww! Such a cute couple
10:31 AM
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