
Fuck You George Bush

We watched a documentary called Bush Family Fortunes tonight. Of which I will promptly package and send off to my grandma that just doesn't "trust that Kerry guy" enough to vote against Dubya.

Some interesting points were (I encourage you to check these yourself):

1.) How in Yugoslavia (after our elections) when it was thought one candidate fixed the vote, the other candidate led the people in the streets and they went on strike until it was figured out. Did Al Gore do that? No. Another reason I'm not a democrat or republican.

2.) Of the 90,000+ votes "lost" in the Florida counting, 54% of them were black votes. And I believe only 20% (I can't remember the exact number, it might be lower) are black in Florida.

3.) The person in charge of stopping the counting of the ballots, Kathy Harris, Secretary of State and Campaign Manager for George Bush.

4.) If you go into "black" neighborhoods this upcoming election day, check out how the voting machines work. Are they functioning? Do they have helpers there to help people use the machines? Are black people being told they cannot vote because they are convicted felons?

5.) Of the many states adopting electronic voting machines NONE of them give you a paper receipt. We get a god damn receipt when we buy tampons at Walgreens for christ sake. But when you are voting on the President of the Free world? We'll just take their word.

Voting is one of the many rights in this country that I do not plan on taking for granted any longer. I strongly urge the women and men, definitely of my age group, and that includes any color, to get out there and make your voice heard. And if you don't care one way or another, can you just vote for me? I'd greatly appreciate it.

But seriously, the leading death of democracy? Apathy.


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