Uncle Goddamn is dead.
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Meeting Richard Metzger was way more than I expected. We got there late thinking it was just going to be him showing clips from the Disinfo DVD which we already own. However, when we got there he hadn't started so we got right up front and chatted a bit. When he came up to show the DVD, he surprised us pleasantly by talking about the behind-the-scenes of the making of the series. If you've seen any of this, all I can tell you is the people are real. They really believe the things they are saying.
Yes, even the chick who thinks she's Bob Hope's sex slave and even the satanists. One story he told us was the satanists on the clip of Show 1 were found at a Pagan festival in California. Apparently they were trying to act tough and he ended up making them look retarded. When asked if he ever believed anything he reported on he just laughed and said plainly, "no."
Regarding the clips from Show 1, he said he showed Marilyn Manson and his pot dealer and both told him he was either going to hell or he was mean. Rave reviews I'd say.
Mr. Metzger ended up being very entertaining and down to earth. A chap you could talk to for hours on end. I worried that he might just be there to sell something, but actually that never came up once. I especially enjoyed his candid stories about the people he met while making the series.
After the question and answer period, we approached him and talked with him for quite awhile. He was just so genuine, and I guess I was surprised. You just never know. I thanked him for entertaining many of my stoned friends with the Uncle Goddamn clips to which he told me that was exactly what they were for. Sad news though...Uncle Goddamn died of pneumonia and his family buried him in the backyard. Yes, that is illegal. The money they got from Disinfo for the footage was used to buy him a headstone. God.
There is also footage of Brian from the Disinfo DVD hanging out with another member of the family who is homeless. Apparently the guy likes to get drunk off $1 store mouthwash and go around and pee on sleeping homeless people.
He said they have 13 more hours of Uncle Goddamn which they will be releasing on its own DVD. There is a god.
We could have talked him for longer but felt bad because there was a line of people. Overall, I'm so glad I went. It was educational and sorta restored my faith in Disinfo.com. Plus he didn't think I was cheesy when I asked for a picture, he was all for it.
There is not going to probably ever be another Disinfo Con because he said they lost a ton of money on it, however, there are 2 upcoming events: one in New York (with Grant Morrison and the bedridden Howard Bloom) and one in California in October with Paul Laffoley and Adam Parflay. We're looking into it so I'll post links when I find them.
Would I reccommend taking a gorgeous Saturday afternoon off to sit in a book shop and listen to Richard Metzger?? I think I'll borrow Uncle Goddamn's words of wisdom for a minute: "You're god damn right."
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