Romero ROCKS!

What a great fucking weekend! And of course, I only use curse words to emphasize the greatness of it all!
First, kick ass times with the Lombards from up north. Got some good eats, good shopping and got to catch up on old times! Those guys are the coolest as always! As a side note, I stuck to my no getting drunk rule and got to enjoy everyone's company as a result. Hmm, maybe there is something to this being sober business? This morning we even had some tasty breakfast and more chatting out in the sun. Plus,as a bonus, we got free food almost all weekend. Thank goodness for hispanic busboys who don't understand "box it up", not "throw it out" and snippy dudes who make my husband swear at them. Tee hee!
To top off the festivities I went with some pals to see George Romero LIVE! in the flesh at a HorrorFest held at the Biograph Theater. When we approached the front of the theater, who is standing outside smoking a cigarette? The 2 dudes who made American Movie! Just standing outside smoking a cigarette, being cool. Once we gave our praises for their film, we rushed in and found a seat for my first ever viewing of "Day of the Dead." I'm so glad I waited to see this on the big screen. People were cheering and clapping throughout, which made it even better.
After the movie, George Romero came in to a standing ovation and talked candidly for a little over an hour. I personally love to hear artists talk about how their projects come about. I especially love the behind the scenes Hollywood bullshit and details on the making of zombie movies! Found out the day they finished "Night of the Living Dead" and put it in their trunk to drive to New York to screen, was the day Mr. Luther King was assasinated. George was 6 years old, making a alien movie and threw a burning "body" off the roof of his house which caused the police to come (6 years old!!!). He also did not like how fast the zombies ran in the new "Dawn of the Dead." Interesting tidbits.
So anyways, after he talks we head out to the lobby and follow George onto the sidewalk where he is totally gracious and lovely and signs a couple DVD's for us. We even talked a guy into taking our picture and emailing it to us (God, I hope he does. If so, I'll post it here.) Jen K. promptly threw her arms around Mr. Romero and gives him a big hug for the picture, tee hee.
Finally, I took a cab home and watched a Bill Hicks performance. What a follow-up.
So yea, anyways, great weekend.....awwww.
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