Can You See My Halo?
With the new format for Blogger, it tells you how often you post and how many words....puts a lot of pressure on a girl. My only complaint with the new format is there are no categories, like movable type offers. Oh well....I'm staying folks.
Halo 2 has been officially announced as being released on Nov. 9, 2004. Hopefully I can get over to the local game retailer and reserve my copy. I think there is even something about a Special Edition DVD included. But don't quote me on it. I CANNOT wait to play this freaking game. It's been put on hold forever and that's not cool.
I really have nothing to write today. I just felt bad because my stats said I usually post 6 times a week on average...and because I'm obsessive compulsive I have to keep those numbers up.
Hell, have a few links on me.
-Nocturnal Dominion: Store introduced to me by Mr. Lombard that sets up shop here in Chicago.
-Roadside America:Guide to offbeat tourist attractions (a.k.a. Mistress's summer vacation guide)
-Shocking Videos: Site offering what looks like copies of hard to find movies. Read the descriptions, it will suck up an afternoon of your time but well worth it.
I'm out.
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