
I did get to go home early yesterday because I was sick and it was a good thing too because as soon as we got home we got a call that a friend of ours was just put in jail! Apparently, some pals were on one of the train platforms and she decided to go back out and get a drink. She exited the turnstyle and got the drink, then tried to use her pass to get back on. It wouldn't let her so she told the attendant she was just going to go through since she already paid once. She ducks down to go under the turnstyle and some undercover cops jump her and start roughing her around. She of course gets upset, tries to explain but they keep roughing her up. The girl maybe weighs 105 lbs here so it's not like she's a threat. After taking about as much rough handling as she can, she says something to the effect of "Hey, I'm an American citizen here." So they say something like "is that so" and cuff her immediately and take her to jail. YES, jail. Something that should have been a simple citation.

We went down to try to get her out and were confronted with the biggest bunch of assholes I've met up here. Even the desk cops at the front desk were shitty to us. They made her sit in jail until at least 11:00 p.m. last night, maybe later because I never heard what time they let her out. All for $1.75 which she already paid. Last I heard they were trying to get her for "obstruction of justice" as well as "trespassing." Jesus Christ.

I'm not going to generalize and say every cop is an asshole but every cop yesterday we talked with certainly was. Talk about feeling hopeless too. There was nothing we could do but let her sit in jail and that felt horrible. I haven't heard what time she was released but I have a feeling it was probably 4 a.m. this morning.

The worst part was they wouldn't let her explain, they kept being extremely rough (according to eye witnesses) when it was unnecessary and they were acting like power hungry pigs over a simple trespassing violation which really wasn't one at all. The only sweet thing about the whole ordeal was seeing how worried and willing to do anything her boyfriend was acting the whole time. I just feel bad for the both of them and I hope she makes a huge fucking deal of this.

And why not throw in a Friday Five too about religion while I'm on a rant? Eh?

1.) Were you raised in a particular religious faith? Yes, Mormonism. (Not to be confused with moronism)
2.) Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? No, I voluntarily excommunicated myself right before I got married. I don't believe in their practices, beliefs or conduct.
3.) What do you think happens after death? I have 2 thoughts. We either stop, shut down, lights out, thanks for coming. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here. OR...hopefully that sexy little goth-ette Death meets us and takes us somewhere cool.
4.) What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I don't know if it's religious or not but I've always thought the Day of the Dead practices in Mexico are fascinating.
5.) Do you believe people are basically good? Yes, everyone thinks what they are doing is right. Plus, I think people are born basically pure and perfect.


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