
I couldn't resist. After discussing the place I'd live if I was rich and answering with "Italy, the house where "Stealing Beauty" was filmed," I had to rewatch that movie tonight.

That film is so beautifully made. Nothing makes me want to go back to being 19 again more than that movie. It also makes me long for a summer dress and long grass to walk barefoot in on a hot day. That and having a do-over for when I lost my virginity, but now I'm just getting all sappy. The dialogue and the way the film rolls along hooks me everytime. Awww....lovely.

I'm all about totally immersing myself in a film. You know where you lose track of your surroundings and can feel the scenes? Well maybe not, but there are only a handful of movies that do that for me. Goes the same for books too.

A friend told me to see his new movie, The Dreamers, but I haven't had a chance. Note to self...follow advice of friend's on movie picks.

Anyways, just wanted to jot that down before bed. Oh, that and I finished "Rosemary's Baby" at work today. Damn good book and thankfully this is one where the movie didn't screw it up. Good night guys!


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