GWO IV (or the Dirty Girls Social Club) was this weekend and after an especially shitty week, I needed it.

Nothing like some friends and some Hooter's to set your mood straight.
Thursday I rolled into E.'s house and we did our usual first night of talking till the wee hours. Lots to discuss this time. Egads. I also got to watch my yearly viewing of Survivor with E. & J. I think one more year and I'll figure out the rules of that show. One real positive is that we got to celebrate with J. her pregnancy!!! Yay! Let's see...I'll give a rundown so I don't forget anything.
Friday we woke up early and went to Christina's for facials and discovered it was Hawaiian week. We ended up getting food, drinks and free gifts plus a hot wax treatment for our hands. It almost made up for the less than stellar facial H. & I got. Well, to be fair I didn't think it was too crappy until I realized what the chick DIDN'T do. For instance, she didn't massage our necks or shoulders. I could have used that. Anyhoo....Then we headed to lunch at Applebee's. After that on to "All Fired Up" to paint some pottery pieces. We ended up staying there for 4 hours because we each picked 2 pieces (So we're a little over confident?)!! It was a blast though because we got to have some laughs and get covered in paint. We definitely earned the price we paid. Later we came back, got spiffied up and went to Mt. Fuji. It's a hibachi style Japanese steakhouse and if you ever go, get the shrimp. The service was pretty slow but it was nice just talking. (Yes, after a day and a half, we still have tons to men shaving their we prefer or not?)
After dinner we headed over to Priscilla's Sex Toy shop. There I saw the most redneck thing I've ever seen. 2 adults left their 3 kids in the back of their car while they ran in to look through movies, toys, etc. The icing on the cake: the woman didn't have any shoes on, just socks. God. J. finally got her some maribou heels and I picked up some porn from the early 1930's and some stockings. Woo Hoo. After some delicious ice crea, we then go back to E.'s house to view the porn and hit the sheets for some sleep.
Saturday we woke up, ate breakfast at Nirvana's and left for Indy for a day of shopping. A GWO tradition is shopping so it had to be done. We stopped at Half Price books before the mall and scoured the clearance and Erotica section. If there's one thing us girls love to discuss it's the many facets of the sexual experience. A couple girls bought some books so I'm hoping for full reviews! After that we went to Castleton Mall. I ended up finding a skirt and a jacket for a reasonable price. Even got to help J. try on prego clothes too. I made her try on a jean skirt and she loved it. (Thank you very much.) She's going to be adorable with a big ol' belly! After shopping we went to Hooter's for a plate of 50 hot wings. Damn. Us girls like us some hot wings. We tried to buy the Hooter's tank top but they were sold out. I think we all feel a little saucy when we all get together. That and the over whelming need to shop until we puke.
Heather got a little tipsy at Hooter's and entertained us the entire way home. Once we returned H. packed her things and left for the night. J., E. and I went to the grocery store where we couldn't resist buying some $4 flip flops from the Misc. aisle (just had to include a little more shopping) and listened to hip-hop the entire way. Once we got home we played some euchre and went to bed. J. & I continued our GWO tradition of waiting till the last night to stay up until 2 a.m. talking some more. (Why we don't do that the first night I have no idea. Hee hee.)
This morning I rolled into town and was met by my husband. I'll get into that later, but let's just say I'm glad he was at home when I got there. I wasn't so sure when I left, but things are looking up. :) More pix to be included in a short bit. Gotta unpack and relax.
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