
There's a new bill being pushed through Congress (so I'm told, please research for yourselves) regarding classifying a fetus as a person if the mother is murdered while pregnant. I guesss it's so the person who committed the crime would be charged with double murder or some such offense. I'm not 100% sure why we need this law right now, but hey. I'm also curious to see how that will affect the abortion laws. If a fetus is determined a "person" at conception, wouldn't that give lawmakers or states the right to overthrow Roe vs. Wade?

I'm torn on the abortion issue. I have friends that have had abortions that would be in very different situations if they had kept the child, probably worse sitauations. So I can see how not having the baby was a good thing for them.

However, my mom was at the abortion clinic when she was carrying me but turned around and went home. Of course, I suppose since I am involved I feel that was the right decision. :) So on one hand I feel like our culture has many ways of not dealing with the consequences of our actions. On the other, I've never had an abortion, so maybe that is consequence enough. I cannot imagine what that does to your spirit.

I think for now, I'll go along with my usual gut feeling that I don't want the government telling us what we can or cannot do with our bodies. That includes drugs, babies, sex or general nutrition. That people who get themselves in a situation should be able to figure out how to get themselves out of it safely and fully informed. I think in this country we have a habit of getting in each other's business and losing sight of the big picture. Surely there are other ways our government could be spending their time?

Your thoughts?


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