Let's just say I won't be buying any lottery tickets this week.
Got back from the dentist. Remember how I said things would look up? Well let's see if we can find a positive in the following, shall we?
I have an infection and gingivitis in my gums that is going to require monthly cleanings, then cleanings every 3 months. I have 5 cavities of which I will be spending the next 2 weeks with appointments to get them filled. I've never experienced a cavity before so my mind is playing any torture scene from any sadistic horror movie. Yes, you counted right. That's at least 3 more dentist appointments in the next month. Oh wait, I almost forgot. All 4 of my wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing my lovely hard-earned straight teeth in all directions. Yep, those have to come out too. Thankfully my merciful dentist promised to send me to a oral surgeon that will knock me out completely after I started welling up telling him I could still hear the sound of my last tooth pulling.
I went in to get my teeth whitened, right? The only painless procedure I can imagine. No, no, no. He suggests I go to a cosmetic oral surgeon and have my gums shaved (yes, you read that right) so my teeth will be elongated and then he will put $5,000 worth of pristine white beautiful full sized veneers on my teeth. He said my smile would be absolutely stunning.
So a recap. I went in to get a cleaning and possible bleaching. I came out with a mouth full of problems and no hope of fixing my smile unless I sell my ass on the street for $5,000. Is it Sunday yet?
Okay, so I'm not feeling sorry for myself for long. I am bored so I took some pictures. Take a tour of our kitchen:

There was a silver lining in today. I cut out of work early because I needed some air and found a skirt for cheap at H&M. Most of the clothes are for tiny girls, but sometimes there are bargains.

Aw well. Pleasant Wednesdays.
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