
I'm reading a fabulous book called the Only Begotten Daughter by James Marrow. Lance recommended it to me and I can't put it down. I'm currently to the part where she's hanging out with Jesus in hell (you have to read it to understand). My favorite part so far is when she's describing communion to him and he's totally disgusted. She says, "You should come to communion some time." Jesus's reply: "I think I"ll pass."

It may be sacreligious to the church crowd, but I think it's an interesting point of view, plus let's not forget...it's fiction. Nothing to get up in arms about. God, if only a healthy sense of humor was bestowed upon everyone on earth, we'd probably not be in the situation we are in.

Anyhoo...not a thing lined up for this weekend. I may hit a few thrift stores and get breakfast but that's about it. I'm going to try to finish that video game. Sue me, but it's a blast. Plus, sadly I've never even finished a video game. Not even Super Mario Brothers....yes, that's sad. Although in good video game news, I WON!, yes won, a game of Halo last night against people that usually beat me to a pulp. I lead a very exciting life folks! Tee hee.

Okay, have a good one.


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