As promised...pix from our spontaneous jaunt to Cincinnatti for hearse shopping.
First we stopped off at my dad's and checked out the Triumph's he's rebuilding with my brother's help. This bikes take me back. I'm pretty sure I got my first ride on the second one.

Then onto CW Coach sales. The lot full of hearses was pretty eerie. This is the best shot I could get of all the cars and that really doesn't do it justice. Most of the cheap, rusty ones were outside and the restored more expensive ones inside. I didn't bring my camera inside so I don't have any pix of the one we actually liked.

This is the longest car I've ever seen. I think it was an ambulance/hearse...not too sure.

This car would have been bitchin' with some serious body work. Aw well. I need to learn how to weld.

Anyway, there you go. In 2 days in St. Patrick's Day and I only bring it up because I never cared about this holiday. You wore green to elementary school so some little bastard didn't pinch you. That was about it. However, the entire city of Chicago really, and I mean really gets into this holiday. They dye the river green, have a parade and pretty much the entire population drinks like fishes. There's parties, drinking in the streets and general debauchery. We saw the saddest thing that sums it all up. A lone leprechan hat blowing down an empty street. I almost misted up.
As you know, we celebrated in our own way. Only drinking Irish beverages (with the exception of some Samuel Adams), having excellent conversation and passing out. Maybe the Irish got something right there.
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