
1,500 Post

Appointment on 11/6...everything is fine and they got pics of the heart! The tech called Addie a little sh*t b/c she wouldn't budge. Still laying in the same position (head up on right side) breech. Thought I was going to have to come back again next week (they graciously said if I had to come back, they wouldn't charge me--look at my kid already getting me deals!!).

I knew she didn’t move, I still felt her in the same place kicking around. (More on that in a sec)

I had to chug ice water and turn on both sides and then finally she tried it with me sitting up. That did the trick! Baby didn’t move but the tech was able to get the right pics of the heart. 4 chambers and it looks good! I could see her shoulder too just snug as a bug in there in her spot.

She's still breech, they say I have time for her to turn but man, she looks awfully snug. Makes me wonder if she will. She's using one of my fibroid cysts as a pillow currently. Her head looks nice and small and round and I got to see her whole arm and legs better. All of the bones were nicely formed and much clearer than a week ago. Amazing how much she grew in a week.

Towards the end the tech was like “Well cutie, let’s get some pics of your face for your parents” and then the baby waved at us!!! She had her hand under her chin but picked it up and said “Hey biznitches!”

OH and I forgot!!! I saw her kick and felt it at the same time!! That was NEAT!!!

I have pics but they are seriously the most unflattering ultrasound pics ever. It looks like she has a full set of teeth and a weird nose. They didn't look like that on screen, no idea why it printed like that.

On another note, I've been feeling her move more regularly. She is pretty active in the mornings and late evenings. She was tumbling around last night as I laid in bed. It seriously is the best feeling ever. I thought all my life I would be so wierded out but it's just...I can't explain it. It's the most comforting thing ever. theMan spends most of his time with his head or hand on my belly trying to feel it too. Thinks he has a couple times, but Im guessing it won't be too long before it's a definite.

Before I forget, this is my 1,500 blog post. Wow! I sure like it around here, think I'll stay.


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