Birthday Week!

Not sure if your calendars say it, although I'm pretty sure it's reached to at least Canada. But it's my birthday week!!!! Didn't you know? Everyone gets the entire week of their birthday to celebrate it! You get special treats all week. Like you get to pick the restaurant, or the TV show, or you get a non-fat small latte every morning and it doesn't matter if it's in the debt snowball! ALL WEEK LONG!
However, one thing I don't get is to indulge in any cakes and sweets. Yep, it's been 4 days since I've had any chocolate and I'm pretty sure I haven't consumed any sugar at all except what is in any breads I have eaten, which have been few and far between. It's been all fruits, veggies, light soups, salads, and small sandwiches. Tiny meals compared to how I used to eat. I do allow myself small treats. Like I put butter on my one slice of toast in the morning and I have ate an organic ginger snap but that's about it. And honestly, I haven't felt deprived. Maybe my doctor finally got through to the comfortable fat girl living in here.
Hi, my name is Kitten and I'm fat. I haven't had chocolate for 4 days.
I will allow myself alcohol this weekend for my birthday but it must accompany dancing or a run, but I'm going to see if I can get through this birthday without cake.
And the exercising is going wonderful. I've jogged, did yoga, completed 100s of sit-ups at a time and walked every freaking where. I know, I know, it's been 4 days....but honestly it's been a very long time since I've gone this long and not cheated. We shall see!
And on that note, I have my cholesterol and thyroid check early in the morning. Cross your fingers I don't have to take drugs for my cholesterol or man....well, if I do at least I won't be taking them long.
Weigh in Sunday and then I'll be 29! Ack!
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