
Summer Colds

Summer Cold, sorta oxymoronic, just like how I'm performing today at work due to it. The moron part anyways.

I have this massive head cold that is causing all manner of things to exit my head any way possible. It's like last weekend the mucuous got together in my chest talking about how the week would progres. You know, which one was going to take care of digestion or swallowing. But one little angsty bastard in the back decides to call mutiny and get a group of his anarchist friends together to exit stage left under this oppressive Communist rule that is my body.

Little fuckers.

So now they've raised the pirate flag and have taken to streaming down my nose in the form of snot and out my mouth in giant hacking coughs. Plus I'm quite sure my nose and eyes are going to clean pop off for the pressure building behind them. I wish I could just send in someone to calm everyone the fuck down in there. Maybe that nice fellow, James Earl Jones. He has a calming voice that still has an air of "don't fuck with me" to it.

He hasn't been in anything recent, maybe he's available.

But, mind you, not too sick to miss a night out of retail therapy and food with my sister tonight. She found this great cheap consignment shop that is full of cheap goods. I really could use a little something to lift my spirits. I'm about to be 29 in a week, I feel like I've gained too much weight with all the drama this year, and you know...all those mundane, white-girl, middle class woes that really aren't that big of deal when put up against say, starvation or the plague.



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