
Fashion Sickness

I have this ailment that forces me to spill out every detail of the fabulous deal I got whenever someone compliments me on a particular item of clothing. You tell me you love my shirt? I tell you I got it at a garage sale for a quarter last summer in Linden, Indiana by a lady also selling used lingerie.

I can't help it. I suppose I could cure this by spending too much money on stuff and being embarrassed, but then where would I be. If I found a deal, you must know about it. I can't just take a compliment and let them think I spent $100 on it. Not when they can know how much money I saved?! My great-grandmother would be so proud.

But another side effect of this disease I didn't realize was brought to my attention this morning. The receptionist said my shirt looked particularly flattering and after I did my whole "I found it at a garage sale!" story she just started laughing.

Me: "I know, I can't help but tell you about a sale."
Receptionist: "No, it's not that. It's just anytime I'd want to buy the same shirt or whatever that I like on you, you have gotten it off some back rack where there was only one left for $2.00. I now fully expect you to tell me you stole it off a corpse at a funeral home, that is how obscure some of your finds are!!!!"

I would never do that. Then again, they aren't really going to use it and it would be free.


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