
Human Nature's Finest

God...thank you for making me a human being. For instance, on my way to work this morning I got to witness your finest creations at their best. A long row of the dead baby brigade stood every 5 feet with pictures of aborted fetuses on 4 foot boards and handed out pamphlets. Some even brought along their children! WEEEEE! I just laughed and said "No thank you" and they politely responded with a thank you and I went my merry way. Funny though...it was mostly men handing them out.

Then as I ascended the stairs outside my building I witnessed a bum fighting with another guy who was just sitting there taking it while everyone walked by them. I stood for a moment and held out my cell phone to make a point but finally it ended.

I appreciate you human race, you are great blog material.


Blogger darren e. logan said...

reminds me why i am moving to key west...

12:24 PM


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