
Hospital Ban of 2006

Sorry for the delay in posting. I’ve been in a weird head space. I’m tired and down and last night was my first night of sleeping well in 2 weeks. Thankfully I know what makes me sleep better, but unfortunately it’s going to the gym.

It’s been such a weird week that I woke up and spent most of Tuesday crying. I didn’t even go to work. God damn...if I could think of a better word than BLAH I would, but that’s about it. BLAH.

I don’t have a lot of reasons to complain either. I’ll just keep blaming the thyroid.

I got a call today that my Gramps is in the hospital for kidney problems. We’re supposed to have our big family get-together this weekend with our relatives from New Mexico which he may end up missing. It’s awful because out of anyone, Gramps gets the biggest kick out of getting together. It hurts my heart that he might have to miss it.

Gramps should be fine but he may require surgery. He’s only operating on one kidney so that makes it a little more scary. He was transferred to a bigger hospital so they can monitor him better since our hometown hospital has only 2 nuns and an x-ray machine.

While we are on that subject, let me just go ahead and put this out there. There is a part of me that wants to move back to my hometown. Maybe not in the town, but around it. I really do. I’ll quit denying it and just put it out there.

Yes, I know, I hate that town, I hate the small mindedness, the lack of options, the Wal-Mart, the fact that on each side of the town houses cemetaries that hold my loved ones, but it also holds our family and some of my friends and damn it...not being able to help when something like my Gramps being in the hospital happens pales the glamour of the big city.

I want to go home.


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