

I won't go into details because I imagine her mom will want too, but Gracie's surgery went fine. She's still in the hospital though because the recovery is a little shaky. So keep those warm and fuzzies coming her way. Hopefully she will be out today or early tomorrow. I'm really scared for her even though I know she'll be alright and it's probably just the anethesia wearing off but still...she's just a 25 lb. hunk of cute!!! She doesn't need all this scary hospital business!!

I cannot wait to hold her, the poor thing. Plus her parents are exhausted I'm sure. (We'll be there soon! One more day!)

On another health note, I feel like making a shiv out of paper clips and white out and knifing someone today. All week I haven't slept well and I'm on the verge of driving my car up onto the sidewalk just for the fun of it. Today I am getting my blood drawn a whole week early just because I am that freaking excited about finding out the results of my thyroid tests and GETTING MORE DRUGS. Please someone give me some fucking hormones....anyone? If my doctor said Flintstone Vitamins would take the edge off, I'd eat them like candy.

(Note: If I do pull my car up on the sidewalk, this blog cannot be used as evidence that it was pre-meditated. The devil made me do it.)


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