
Free and clear

Wow, that was an exhausting week/weekend. All week, almost every night, we worked until after 11:00 p.m. on production for this film. We set up flats, painted scenes, constructed props, make cat fur explode out of a box. You name it. But my god, the finished product will be worth every hour of missed sleep and filthy body parts.

Andy rented a warehouse for $750 for the week and we used almost every square inch. However, it was the filthiest set I've worked on to date. You couldn't touch anything without being black afterwards. But overall I'm extremely proud of the finished film and all my work on set, but again as the cliched awards speech goes, I couldn't have done it without a ton of help from the crew, and of course Jen K.'s incredible Production Design.

It's quite amazing to see everyone pitch in and come together on these sets.

Anyways, I've uploaded a yit-load of pics I took from filming this weekend. Check them out in my Set Design album. (I'm adding comments to each as I go, so refresh if you want the full story.)

Sadly, but refreshingly, this is my last film for awhile. I've got a project in the works but I imagine it won't start until later in the month of June. I'm glad for the break though. I was getting burnt out and could feel myself being crabby during filming this weekend, when normally I'm all giddy. So tonight to celebrate I'm grilling out and watching a movie.

Hope you all are well.


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