Gift Ideas
Although we begged and pleaded with our families not to exchange gifts this year with us, I know my mom can't help herself. (Man, I hope that doesn't sound ungrateful of me, but hopefully you get my drift.) So I decided to try to go the homemade route at least. Anyways, I thought I'd pass on one idea to you folks, in case you were stumped for gift ideas for kids in your lives.
This is what I came up with for my new step-sister and the girl I'd love to adopt. They are 7 and 3 respectively. The crate was $4.99 at Michael's and I already had the paint.:

It has their name on each side. I was going to originally fill it with dress up clothes I buy from the thrift store. Since that's cheap and hours of entertainment, but now I've decided to go even cheaper. I have a box/tub full of craft stuff I don't use (construction paper, stickers, etc.) that I'm going to fill that crate with instead. This will kill 2 birds with one stone. Clean out my storage and give my mom an easy way to keep those kids busy and organized.
If you'd like to know what I want for x-mas this year?

This will do.
(Side note: The daily picture today is what happens when Kitten gets caught licking the brownie batter bowl.)
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