Damn...what a great fast weekend. First and foremost, if you have any doubts about seeing Dawn of the Dead, then I suggest you put those doubts in a headlock and RUN TO SEE THIS MOVIE! My god, even the credits were fascinating. Maddox sums it up best. Just read him, I can't possibly do this movie justice with words. I left knowing a few things for certain: Ving Rhames is a bad motherfacker and zombies that run and roar make for some creepy ass good times.
We also did some shopping this weekend. The purchases we made could only be properly discussed with pictures alongside. So to start the tour we begin with Mr. Pope.

Mr. Pope doesn't only serve as a plaster idol for Catholics, no no no. It also serves as a wine holder. I would give anything to talk to the person who bought this for its original purpose. When you smell the opening it reeks of alcohol.

We also found a dummy grenade to freak out people that come over and 2 horror movies from the Monster shop on Milwaukee Avenue. One of which theMan had been lusting after ever since hearing virtually the entire movie sampled in a Skinny Puppy album.

Yea, it was too hard to resist playing around with this thing.

Today proved to be a little eventful too. After a delicious (GWO girls, plan on eating this in July) breakfast at Nookie's (does toffee banana nut pancakes, cherry stuffed french toast and pinapple upside down pancakes sound like heaven to you?) we saw a sign for a demolition/moving sale. So we went and what was weird was that you were just allowed to walk through the entire townhouse and everything was for sale. The prices were literally wrote on the walls in marker. Ended up helping some friends get a couch and hanging out on the porch in the lovely afternoon talking with the house owners while they moved it. I have no idea why they are demolishing this house because it was awesome. Gorgeous paint, bathrooms the size of my living room and interesting architecture. Some people just have too much money I guess. In the process it also made me realize even in a big city, there are still people that are kind and helpful. Some people with a van offered to help move the couch for a pretty low fee even though it was across town in the wrong direction. Which was a good thing because all UHaul places were closed. Kind of a nice surprise after living in what can seem like a bitter city for 2 years.
Too fast, but a good weekend nonetheless.
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