
12 days until my birthday

Apparently I'm either Amish or a hippie or a grandmother. I had an overwhelming urge to make bread this weekend. Like from scratch. No bread machine, nothing. So I did. I pulled out this Veggie cookbook my aunt gave me from the 60's (the one where all the pictures of the men are shirtless and bearded and the women have severe armpit hair and lovely hand-made dresses). It turned out pretty good too and it made enough so I could serve it for breakfast, give some to my grandparents & friends and still have a loaf left over for us.

Loaf...one of my favorite words.

But that is how I spent my Saturday night. Only after I woke up from a coma from a day's worth of farmer's marketing, blueberry picking and baby shower shopping and planning. I think I was a little pooped from Friday's all night card frenzy as well.

Today I'm cleaning my Grams house for her as soon as she gets back from church and then bio-Dad is coming over to check out the pad. CUE NEUROSIS. Not sure why this is making me so nervous but it does. I've already cleaned and Frebreezed enough to kill off any remaining IQ points I had stored up to pass on to our unborn children.

So this is one of those "what I did today" posts and I'm sorry. Either my thyroid medicine is jacked up or I'm having the "Sunday, gotta get stuff done jitters" but I haven't a creative bone in my body today and I don't think I've blinked all day I'm so amped up. I'm also prone to run-on sentences.

This will have to do. This will have to do. My new mantra.


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