

Originally uploaded by MizVoid.
Tonight we pack up our things. Tonight our dog paces around the house because he has nowhere to sit. Tonight we tell our tale to some Chicago friends who wish us well. Tonight I dream of bathroom closets and acreage and space for gardens while trying not to think of those we're leaving behind. Tonight I'm freaking out.

On Thursday I was called for a second interview to a place far from here, but I had my doubts. The drug testing, the atmosphere, etc. So while I hemed and hawed over the second interview my old company back in Indiana emails and offers me a job at their place. The kicker, can I start in 2 weeks? Um....can I think about it?

Cut to Friday morning, on my way down the interstate towards Indiana for a bridal shower, I call the old company to ask for more money because the more I think about it, the more I wig out at the pay cut. Plus we will have no place to live, we'll have to get an apartment, etc.

Instead, when they answer they tell me they've bought us a house on Thursday night and can I come down and pick out some new carpet for it? They also say they can pay theMan to do odd jobs around their houses and rental properties. So now he's taken care of, we have a house and I have a job at a company I used to love.

I stutter an "OK," hang up, and then catch myself laughing out loud the rest of the weekend.

By the time I collected my grams and cousin for emotional support to meet the new boss/landlord at the house, he had the little house full of contractors, the driveway freshened up with new gravel and the carpet pulled up. The next day, there is a crew of construction guys, one in each room, painting the whole place. The weird factor, one of the contractors happened to be my brother!

So today I quit my job in Chicago, theMan put in his notice, and we start dumpster diving for boxes.

I finally got some sleep last night after laying in bed all weekend with my mind racing. I was the classic case of insomnia. I'd burst out crying, I'd laugh, or I'd threaten to cut someone. Even though I woke up screaming about 2:00 a.m. from a nightmare, I do feel better today, more calm. Plus my current job said I can come back anytime I want and I believe them.

My boss also said that if I am not running this new company in 3 years, move on because I was made to run a company. That is a hell of a compliment.

I always said I'd never move back to Indiana. It had nothing to offer. I guess my heart has softened because I'm actually excited. Or maybe it's the 5 minute commute on my bike I can take now?

This is one of the craziest things we've ever done. I'm not taking a job for more money for once, I'm taking a job because it will be good for our family.

Damn, this growing up stuff is WIGGING ME OUT. 2 more weeks in Chicago. Fuck.


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