
17 Weeks

Bigger than boobs now
Originally uploaded by MizVoid.
I've added new belly shots (in the Prego set) and some random ones from the client gig I took pictures at last week. Sorry I've been away. I needed a weekend to rest up after 3 nights of cocktails. I was so sick of drinking that when I went to a going-away party on Friday for one of my cube farm mates, all I had was Sprite.

Although it did help me to get some good blackmail to spread about the office. I won't tell you what I took pictures of with his camera phone. Let's just say, when I came to work this morning several of the secretaries had to confirm that "yes, they really did get drunk and flash his camera phone for me". Opps. Sober sometimes can be fun! Plus, I left with my dignity!



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