
Brain droppings

It's quite amazing what a relaxing weekend with no definite plans will do for ya! Lots of shopping, movie watching, laying on the couch limbs intwined, more shopping and coffee getting done. I didn't want it to end.

Joelle has started work on my new blog design. I realize it's vain and all but I can't wait to see the finished product. I've given her a completely different idea now that I like more and I feel it's money well spent. I sorta feel like one of those douchebags that put spoilers on their shitty Chevy Berettas, but whatever. It's my money, right?

We had a conversation yesterday on our way to read at the coffeeshop that basically asked the question: "If all laws of physics and morals were suspended for one day...what would you do that you've always wanted to do?" Sadly, slapping an ice cream cone out of someone's hand or dressing in vinyl and shooting people was not far down on the list. Egads. But I also just rewatched The Matrix again, so that might explain a lot.

I bought these huge sunglasses (as seen in Random pic today) and I wear them everywhere now. I tell theMan it's so the paparazzi won't recognize me at the grocery store. Don't you think it's fun to pretend you're a movie star sometimes?

It's Monday and I'm wearing a shirt with a gun on it.


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