
Sotally Tober Ossifer

Hey. It's 3:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 23rd. I just walked my drunk husband home because he puked all over the bathroom at the party. I was barefoot becuase I had slutty heels on. They hurt my feet. yes. Shwy dont more mpeople wite when they are drunks. I mean, god. It's oood stuff.

ANyways. LaToya ended up with Tony. We got picture s of tTony's dick. And I'm not sure ow wot hanndle tha one. I had a lot of alocholr tonight, i'll be honest with ou. It was loat of fon though. Good times, good people, good drnks and the Lombads are always ag ood time.

I hope Matt & Aimee had a great time. I need to email John satnererererererererereos bcaseuse he gave me his email addres..
I also enjoyed meetin and talking to Shope more more. She was fun. Sorry I had to en our good times because theman was puking all over the bathtub upstairs.

Fuck it. Drunk typing is not fun. God night. Blahhuihu.


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