
Abortion...why not?

You know...I'll go ahead and just state my opinion now. Just to get it out of the way. In my previous post I said that abortion and gay marriage are 2 issues in this election (or in my life in general) that do not concern me in the least and do not need to concern my sister either. So here it is:

1.) Abortion: I don't agree with abortion for myself. So guess what? I wouldn't have one. However, if someone decides too it has NOTHING to do with me. It does not affect me in any way, nor my loved ones or my community. Guess who it affects? The woman who decides to have it. They pay a price for having an abortion. I would assume most women that decide to go that route have to live with that decision the rest of their life. They pay a price for that decision, but you know what? It's their fucking decision. Some people say: "Well what about people that use it as a form of birth control?" My answer, "Why is that your business?"

I have friends that have made that decision and I've seen how it affects them. I believe they had to go that route and to have had them have to find some back alley procedure to get it done which would put their lives in jeopardy, fuck that. I'd rather them be here and healthy. We do barely anything to take care of the people already existing on this plane as it is. For instance, don't you think it's more important in this election to worry about how we're getting 90% of our military being used home from the war?

2.) Gay Marriage: I could give a shit less. From learning about adoption, I'm eager for gay marriage to be legal. Maybe then more states would make it easier for gay couples that want children and want to adopt children that straight couples don't. Again, how does that affect you individually?

How does gay marriage affect you more than say, taxes or the environment or education or health care? It doesn't I can almost bet.

And here's another thing...if you don't agree with me, that is fine. It's fine! Let's talk, let's discuss, let's debate. It's healthy! But let's leave the persecution out of it? Deal?

I have always disagreed with religions that get in other people's business. But if you've read this for any length of time, you know that about me. There I said it.


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