
Put a few new links to the side and fixed the one for IAK's message board. You can find Darren's art here. He's a happenin' gent we met on the train one morning. We continued to see him about once a month since then. He shares our fascination with Robert Anton Wilson and he's precisely the reason you should talk to strangers on occasion. As a side note, his chemtrail collection is unmatched.

Last night I had fun. Got to help out some pal's band by filming their practice. Now I can't wait to see what the talented Jen K. will do to make that magic happen.

Finished another book last night. I'll admit it's probably more appealing to chicks, but it was really good. It's called "In Her Shoes" by Jennifer Weiner. Read her first book "Good In Bed" over the weekend and I'm hooked. It's sort of like watching a good chick flick (notice I said good, not just any old chick flick) but with way more details and better. I guess being of the female variety, I like to just sit down and read/watch something for the pure emotion of it on occasion. This book does that.

Not to sound all snobby but man, not watching TV at night is making this week way more productive. I think I need to keep this up. I've already read 2 decently sized books in 5 days. Nice.

It's Thursday. Thursdays are fun. It's almost Friday. If you wanted to party tonight you could, because you only have one more day of work to get through (for those working 9-5). Weeeeeeeee!


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