As previously mentioned, my grandma rocks the socks! Check out this scarf! It's fuzzy and furry and reminds me of a boa. I dig handmade things, especially when my Grams is involved.

This weekend proved to be entertaining, exhausting and emotionally draining. We got the furniture and it is sooooo nice. I feel a little more adult not having a futon and broke ass cat hair covered dank chair. Not to mention the tray table end table and broken lamp. Yea, the Mistress rocks the hardest with her furniture. :) The visit with my mom was good although today it went downhill fast. I think my mom & me are friends easiest when we talk on the phone or when I see her for a day at a time. No sleep, no money and bad moods didn't help the extended visit. One perk, besides getting to see my momma, was her boyfriend. I dug him. My mom is an asshole magnet so he's a refreshing change.
Here's that restaurant we ate at yesterday. I want this in my front yard. Although preferably with an actual running model next to it.

Because I think she's a genius, I'll let you all know whenever Jen K. uploads a new film. The latest is a sad story of a man on a bus who got swindled by a bitch. View "DOWN WITH LOVE" here.
Is it snowing where you are? It is here. My slogan for 2004, F*#K SNOW! Somebody make me a shirt.

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