

A few months ago I mentioned that I loved studying the birthing process and pregnancy. I adore it, just not enough to be a doctor. Lately, I've been focusing on adoption more and that whole process, especially International Adoptions. My "Replay" is set to record 2 "Adoption Stories" daily and mostly I've seen all the ones they air already. Now I still stand firm that I am not ready to have any of our own, however. But yea, a little background before I spill the beans.

Today I was sorta offered a job (she sounded like I had it, but maybe I'm being optimistic) at an Adoption Agency that specializes in Russian and domestic adoptions. You see, a month ago I sent off my resume to every single agency in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. Somewhere around 30 places I think. I only heard back from 2, mostly telling me: We will keep your resume on file. So I thought, "Well so much for that."

Now this, out of nowhere. The drawback? Because it's a non-profit organization they don't pay what I currently make, actually quite a lot less. Good benefits, and will give me a discount if I wanted to pick up a kid from Russia for my own, but not that great of pay. That and I wouldn't be working with theMan anymore, which I would miss.

So now the age old debate? Do I do something because I love it? Or because it pays my bills?



Blogger Mrs. T said...

Vote: Because you love it!

This being said, don't do something you might regret later in life. I guess that could go both ways though. :(

2:37 PM

Blogger Mrs. T said...

Almost forgot. Think about the calculations I came up with. It could seriously work with a little help from the other half.

2:39 PM

Blogger Jennifer said...

Because you love it.

Just imagine a day where you don't get up and dread going to work every morning.

The money will work itself out. It usually does. Don't waste your life in a job that pays well, just because you were afraid to follow a dream.

5:52 PM

Blogger Matthew Jent said...

Love is better than bills.

11:12 AM


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