I Heart This Movie
This turned out to be a really great day of celebrating our anniversary. What better way to show our individuality and love of this big diverse city of Chicago? Drive to the suburbs to eat at a chain restaurant! Weeeeee! I know, I know, but theMan loves him some Outback and who am I to deny it on our one day of the year we get to focus on our union.
Following dinner, we saw an early showing of "I Heart Huckabees". And my god, what a great movie that provokes some serious discussion of reality and life. The way to discuss topics like Existential Psychology is to have normal people played by good actors and fast dialogue. Good fucking show. I don't do movie reviews well, just go see it. Preferably with a group of people, so you can discuss it afterwards. I liken it to "Waking Life", but better in some ways.
Finished the evening by packing up the laptop and books to the local coffee shop. I've had it twice this week if that tells you anything. They make the best cafe mocha I've ever had, including Starbuck's, their carrot cake is simply sinful and they offer free wireless internet!

In a little over 2 hours Halloween is upon us. Which for us symbolizes 6 years of married life, the birthdays of 2 of our best friends, and our favorite holiday all year. Bring on the sushi.
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