
My hump my hump, my lovely lady hump.

I don't want to get you guys all worked up in a frenzy, but I must tell you that later tonight I hope to uplaod pictures of my neck cyst!! The one that will be removed in November. I want to take a vote on names for it. Since it's only got a month countdown to destruction and I've had it for 3 years, I feel like I should finally embrace it and at least give it a proper name.

Although it's been nothing but a pain. I cough constantly, I have to clear my throat all the time and it caused my Grandma to stop mid-sentence and say, "Wow, I can't stop staring at it." The only cool thing about it is I've learned to spit like a major league ball player at great distances and with alarming velocity.

My friends have advised me to draw a little target on it or a face for when I go into surgery. I think I will, just to give the good doctors a chuckle and to make sure they don't lob off an arm or something in mistake.

However, I must confess...the prospect of losing my voice, a feature of myself that I love, sorta freaks me out more and more when I think about it. I like that I can sound like a hillbilly porn star on the phone with clients at work. I like that I can be loud or laugh full belly or whisper into a phone on the train. A kitten needs to be able to purr, right? I realize the doctors have to tell you what could go wrong as a liability issue or something, but still. EEEEEEP.


Blogger Jennifer said...

The drawing could be fun. As a person who just recently lost a tiny piece of my boob, I'll tell you that both the nurse and the doctor drew on me. The nurse put a note on my chest to remind the doctor to do the right side. Then the doctor came in and colored the spot and drew and arrow. You'll be helping them out to add a target!

2:48 PM


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