
The other day I mentioned that watching Breakfast Club made me miss high school. I guess what I meant was it made me miss the late night parties, photo class, hanging out daily with friends, little life pressure, etc. I don't miss being in high school. The good outweighs the bad. I mean didn't really have a tough time of it like some, but it's all bullshit now when I look back on it.

Then I read the story of the kid gets hurt at my old high school. That's too bad, but it also makes me think.

The school that is making t-shirts to help this kid out with medical expenses is the same school that one year put their "special ed" kids school pictures after the index in the back of the yearbook away from the other kids. So as long as you weren't always handicapped, we'll give ya a special hand, I guess.

Interesting. But anyways, I digress.


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